Which languages are currently supported in the platform?

We currently support English and Spanish in the patient interfaces (Web Patient Portal and custom-branded patient mobile app) of the Virtual Practice.

Supported languages, other than English, are enabled based on request. Note that translations are currently sourced from customers for optimal suitability to context. Customers can review the translations and can provide feedback regarding accuracy of translation in the interfaces. There is no additional charge for availing supported languages.

Is there an option to integrate new languages into the platform?

New language integration is possible for the patient interfaces (Web Patient Portal and custom-branded patient mobile app) if you can help us with the translation process. If you can provide the translations, we can send the web translations files, but it could take 3 – 4 weeks to integrate after receiving all the translations. There will be no integration cost for adding a new language. However as this is a platform, it does mean that support for the newly added language will, thereafter, be available to any platform customers who opt to use it.

Are all languages available to me?

Depending on your subscription plan, your users will be able to choose between different supported languages.