Who owns the data?

All Patient Data is owned by the customer as outlined in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Is the application secure? Is the data encrypted? Who can access the data?

Yes. Security and privacy are of paramount importance to us – in the applications, their deployment and in our operations – we are constantly working on ensuring that we are in compliance with evolving security measures. 

Where do you host the data? Can I host the data in my country ?

All data is hosted in our cloud which is based out of Amazon Web Services(AWS), USA. We support hosting of data in most AWS data centers. We will be setting up other data centers in different regions soon. 

Can I import patient data into the application?

Yes, you can import patient data via XLS format. Learn more.

Can I export all the data from the application?

You can export data per patient. We can provide an export of bulk patient data on request. Read more on exporting data. Also see exporting billing reports.