Effective from 28 June 2023, users with very old browsers may experience errors while accessing our platform. This change is due to our infrastructure provider disabling support for browser clients using TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 protocols.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols play a crucial role in securing data transmission over the internet. By discontinuing support for older TLS versions, we ensure that our platform remains secure and aligned with industry best practices. This change will help protect your data and maintain a safe environment for all our users.

To ensure uninterrupted platform access, please update your browser to a version that supports TLSv1.2 or higher. This will prevent any disruptions and ensure a seamless experience.

Please note that this update only affects users with outdated browsers. If you are already using a modern browser, no action is required.

For any questions or issues, contact our support team at support@continuouscare.io